Karuara, People of the River
Sales & distribution
2023-2024 Catalogue
Karuara, People of the River
Docs for Sale

Karuara, People of the River

Karuara, People of the River
Stephanie Boyd, Miguel Araoz Cartagena
77 min

About Docs for Sale

IDFA Docs for Sale is the top co-financing and co‑production market for creative documentaries. Docs for Sale users can log in for more project information.
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About Docs for Sale

IDFA Docs for Sale is the top co-financing and co‑production market for creative documentaries. Docs for Sale users can log in for more project information.
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Culture, Climate, Environment
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Mariluz Canaquiri says her river is a more than a body of water, it’s a living being. Beneath the surface lies a world of spirits led by the Karuara, the ‘people of the river.’ The film’s stunning hand painted animations take viewers into this magical universe. Behind their playfulness, the Karuara are metaphysical ecologists who maintain the delicate balance of life. But contamination from oil spills threaten the spirits and their river. Mariluz files a lawsuit demanding her river be recognized as a legal person, with rights. In a world that puts a price tag on nature, this film reminds us of our sacred connection to water.
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    Stephanie Boyd,
    Miguel Araoz Cartagena
    Stephanie Boyd,
    Miguel Araoz Cartagena
    Mari Luz Canaquiri Murayari for Asociación Quisca,
    Stephanie Boyd for Quisca Productions,
    Leonardo Tello Imaina for Asociación Quisca
    Mari Luz Canaquiri Murayari for Asociación Quisca,
    Stephanie Boyd for Quisca Productions,
    Leonardo Tello Imaina for Asociación Quisca


Festival Handling
Stephanie Boyd for Quisca Productions

More Information

Premiere status during IDFA
Spoken languages
Spanish, Kukama-Kukamiria