Training & Funding
IBF Classic

IBF Classic

The IBF Classic funding scheme offers grants to filmmakers from and living in a country on the IBF Classic Country List. Support is available for documentary projects in all stages, from starting up and developing a project to the final phases of post-production. 

Lisez informations en Français ici.


The next deadline is: June 10. The entry form for the June round will be available from the beginning of May.

IBF Classic Categories

Projects can be entered for IBF Classic in two categories: Project Development and Production & Post-production.

Project Development: This grant supports directors in their research, writing and/or production of visual material for the project presentation. The maximum development contribution per project is €7,500. The grant should strengthen the position of the director within the overall setup of the production and should be considered as the director’s contribution to the financing plan. Applications must be entered by the director.

Production & Post-production: This grant supports filmmakers in the realization of their project. The maximum (post-)production contribution per project is €25,000. The grant can be spent on all forms of production and post-production, from filming and editing to making the films suitable for screening in cinemas, on television, and at international festivals. Applications must be entered by the director or producer.

General requirements for IBF Classic

Specific requirements for IBF Classic – Development

Specific requirements for IBF Classic – Production & Post-production

How to apply

After application

After selection


Please read the regulations above and check our frequently asked questions before emailing our office at