Attending IDFA as a delegation

Attending IDFA as a delegation

IDFA welcomes a wide range of filmmaker delegations to explore the festival, meet the industry, and forge international connections.

Coming from all over the world, these professional gatherings of documentary directors and producers gain valuable access to IDFA and all its professional activities, including IDFA’s markets, talks, industry programming, and social events.

We are currently welcoming new delegations for attendance at IDFA 2024.


We offer the following services to delegations:

  • Listing on the IDFA website
  • Online webinar to prepare delegates for their visit
  • Discount on Festival passes + one free IDFA Forum pass for one member of your delegation
  • Access to IDFA Forum: a limited number of passes are available to producer delegates (deadline accreditation Forum 1 October)
  • Access to Docs for Sale: films can be showcased in the Docs for Sale Catalogue with a 20% discount. Deadline for submission September 9.

Additionally, we offer the following services for a fee:

  • 60-minute presentation of your delegation at ITA, IDFA’s Festival Center, including listing in our festival publications
  • Professional consultation tailored to the needs of your delegation (possible topics include distribution, financing, etc.)
  • Social event hosted by your delegation, including listing in our festival publications

To qualify as a delegation, you must have a minimum of eight delegates and offer a stipend towards the travel, stay, and/or passes of the delegates. Exceptions can be considered. The complete list of delegates must be delivered before September 16. Requests for additional services must also be received by September 16.


To explore the possibilities of creating and bringing your own delegation to IDFA, please contact Adriek van Nieuwenhuijzen, Head of Industry, at and Antigoni Papantoni, Senior Talks Producer at

Registration is open until September 1.