The Burden
Sales & distribution
2023-2024 Catalogue
The Burden
Docs for Sale

The Burden

Le fardeau
Elvis Ngaibino Sabin
Central African Republic, France
80 min
International Competition

About Docs for Sale

IDFA Docs for Sale is the top co-financing and co‑production market for creative documentaries. Docs for Sale users can log in for more project information.
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About Docs for Sale

IDFA Docs for Sale is the top co-financing and co‑production market for creative documentaries. Docs for Sale users can log in for more project information.
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Human Interest, Author's Point of View
Sales Agent
Stephan Riguet for Andana Films
IDFA Program Section
International Competition
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Available in Docs for Sale after the world premiere at IDFA.

Rodrigue and Reine live with their three children in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. They make their living from a meager yield of cassava flour and are very active in the local church, where the battle between God and Satan is central, and believing in evil spirits, curses and witchcraft is common.
Rodrigue and Reine live with a big secret: they both have AIDS. The pastor proclaims in his sermons that the illness is a divine punishment, and this weighs heavily on the minds of the deeply religious couple, especially now that Rodrigue is becoming visibly sicker.

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    Elvis Ngaibino Sabin
    Elvis Ngaibino Sabin
Sales Agent
    Stephan Riguet for Andana Films
    Stephan Riguet for Andana Films


Sales Agent
Stephan Riguet for Andana Films
Festival Handling
Grégory Bétend for Andana Films

More Information

Premiere status during IDFA
World Premiere
Spoken languages
Afrikaans, French