Participate in IDFA’s Markets
Attending Forum as an observer

Attending Forum as an observer

IDFA Forum values the process of transparent knowledge sharing, which helps the international documentary community connect, grow, and flourish. For this reason, we give Forum delegates the opportunity to attend the Forum Pitch, DocLab Forum Presentations, and Rough Cut Presentations as Observers.

Please note that the Producers Connection is only accessible to Observers whose primary business is independent production.

On this page, you can learn more about how IDFA Forum engages Observers as well as industry representatives and financiers.

Key dates

IDFA Forum takes place from Sunday, November 17 to Wednesday, November 20, 2024. For specific presentation dates, see the pages for the Producers Connection, Forum Pitches, DocLab Forum, and Rough Cut Presentations.

Observer accreditations close on October 1.

Who can be an Observer?

IDFA Forum welcomes all professionals with a serious and demonstrable interest in the documentary sector—including independent producers, financiers, commissioning editors, sales agents, distributors, digital platforms, and funds—to actively attend the market.

All accreditation applications undergo a selection process; registration for IDFA Forum does not guarantee accreditation. The organizers reserve the right to accept or reject an application.

After the accreditation deadline, we will let you know as soon as possible if access to the Forum is granted. Due to high demand, the number of participants is limited to one participant per production company or affiliated production companies. If the Forum pass cannot be granted, you have the option to change your accreditation to a festival pass.

Independent producers with a track record in co-production who wish to find new projects and network with international colleagues can request to participate in the Producers Connection one-on-one meetings. Following the project presentations open to all Observers, they are invited to meet with projects of interest. For more information, please contact IDFA forum at

IDFA Forum is a producers' Forum; if you are a director, you cannot apply for an Observer seat.

What are the benefits of being an Observer?

IDFA Forum offers independent producers the opportunity to attend the Forum to observe the pitches and to coordinate their own meetings with Forum industry professionals. If you are a producer who applied for IDFA Forum but your project was not selected, you can still apply to attend the event as an Observer. By attending the Forum presentations and networking activities, Observers get a unique insight into the documentary market, current funding models and trends, returning and new potential co-financing and collaborators. Social events such as the Producers Breakfast and Forum Lunch as well as access to the Felix Meritis Industry Lounges enhance networking opportunities. All Observer accreditation applications will undergo a selection process due to high demand.

To apply to be an Observer at IDFA Forum, please submit an accreditation here.

About industry representatives and financiers at the Forum

Financiers, commissioning editors, distributors, sales agents, film funds, digital platforms, film institutes, NGOs, MEDIA Desks, and other film organizations are welcome to attend IDFA Forum as industry representatives and financiers.

Certain industry representatives and financiers are requested to be present and actively participate in the Forum Pitch in addition to signing up for one-on-one meetings with the pitch teams. These follow-up meetings between the industry representatives and financiers and producers provide an opportunity to discuss potential collaboration in a more intimate setting. If you would like to know more about this, please contact the Forum team.

Are you new to IDFA Forum and interested in attending the next edition as an industry representative or financier? Then please get in touch with the Forum team at to set up a phone call, where we can give you more information about how the event works.

Overview of accreditations
Accreditation form