FAQ: Interactive / Immersive project entries 2024
In addition to films, IDFA welcomes interactive/immersive new media projects and live performances. Below, you find the frequently asked questions about projects that fall in this category.
Please note that the information below relates to last year's entry process. Dates and details for 2025 will be announced soon.
2024 Type of projects
We welcome project entries by independent artists, collectives, production studios, theater companies, and other organizations from all over the world working on interactive and immersive documentaries. The call is open to both experienced artists and new talent.
IDFA DocLab is IDFA’s new media section hosting a yearly immersive exhibition, VR Gallery, and program of live events. It’s open to all sorts of non-fiction artworks that use interactive media and new tech to represent reality in a wide range of formats, including immersive narratives (VR, AR, MR), spatial creations, web-based experiences, digital art, full-dome films, games, audio narratives, physical installations, and artworks that leverage AI or other emerging technologies.
IDFA on Stage is a highly selective program of unique live events in which we explore the space between documentary film and performing arts. IDFA on Stage is open to live events/performances that combine documentary film elements with music, theater, dance, new media, etc. (e.g. Live Cinema projects, Experiential Cinema projects, Immersive Theater). IDFA on Stage is a non-competitive program.
The IDFA DocLab and IDFA on Stage programs are open to unreleased projects as well as projects that have been made publicly available (on the internet) after July 1, 2024. Priority is given to projects that have not yet been presented at other events or festivals. For reference, see the IDFA DocLab page or the IDFA entry regulations.
2024 Premiere status and program sections
- World premiere: the first presentation ever.
- International premiere: the first presentation of a project outside the country of production. Your project is eligible for international premiere status if, prior to IDFA, the project has only been presented in its home country. Example: a Canadian project that has only been showcased in Canada is eligible for an international premiere at IDFA.
- European premiere: the first presentation in Europe. Your project is eligible for European premiere status if, prior to IDFA, the project has been presented outside the country of production but not yet in Europe. Example: a Chinese project that has been showcased in China and the United States is eligible for a European premiere at IDFA.
- Dutch premiere: the first presentation in the Netherlands.
IDFA's new media and performance programming consists of several competitive and non-competitive sections. Immersive/interactive and performance entries will be considered for:
(1) the IDFA DocLab competition sections
(2) our festival exhibition
(3) our live events program
(4) IDFA on Stage
Project entries may be eligible for several sections. In case of selection, IDFA’s artistic director, supported by the programming team, will decide which section(s) a project is invited to. Projects selected for the competition program are eligible for one of this year's IDFA DocLab Awards. In total, €10,000 will be distributed among the winners to celebrate artistic excellence across immersive art, digital art, and interdisciplinary installations and performance.
2024 Entry process
Please go to MyIDFA in order to fill out the online entry form and pay the entry fee. Please provide us with the appropriate viewing materials via a (password-protected) streaming/download link or by uploading supporting documentation. We can preview interactive/immersive projects on most platforms and devices, such as MAC, PC, iOS, Android, Quest, Pico, VIVE, Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, etc. We can also consider projects made for other platforms, devices, and VR/AR headsets. For projects using custom platforms or custom devices, please specify what is required in the online entry form. In case the build of a project cannot be shared, please provide a video or walk-through of the full experience.
For live performances, installations, or projects that cannot be sent digitally, please provide extensive visual and written documentation. For instance, description of the audience experience, platform(s) used, script, score, installation design, or any other relevant (production) details to showcase the work. A video of the full performance is highly appreciated.
Yes, given you enter your project before the early deadline of April 25. Please see information about presentation support below. After April 25, we do not accept unfinished projects, but we do recognize that at the time of entry, your project might not be 100% finalized. Although we strongly prefer to be sent final versions, we do accept works in progress for viewing purposes. In case a video or walkthrough of the full experience cannot be provided (yet), please make sure to provide extensive visual and written documentation and include the date by which the final version will be ready as well as the contact details of the person providing it. Unless approved in writing by IDFA DocLab, only one version will be considered.
Yes, but if you are requesting presentation support, make sure to send the details about the financial support you need by April 25. Please note: after the April 25 deadline has passed, you will no longer be able to request presentation support through the form. The fields for requesting financial support in the entry form will be removed.
No. There is only one entry form for new media and performance projects. Whether you are entering your work for the early deadline of April 25, or the final deadline of July 2, please use this form. For film entries, please refer to the film entry form.
2024 Deadlines
Starting Tuesday, March 26, 2024 we welcome all artists to enter their projects to be considered for selection into IDFA 2024. The entry deadlines are as follows:
April 25 Deadline for new media projects applying for presentation support
April 25 Deadline for performances to be considered for the IDFA on Stage program
July 2 Final deadline for all completed new media projects
All live performances should be entered by the early deadline of April 25 to be considered for the IDFA on Stage program. If you would like your performance to be considered for IDFA DocLab, however, it is still possible to enter live performance projects by the final July 2 deadline.
While we encourage all live performances to enter by the early deadline of April 25, projects that are installation-based and/or incorporate a live performance element can still be entered up until July 2.
No. After April 25 you will no longer be able to request presentation support through this open call. If you started completing the entry form, but did not finish in time, you will no longer see the option to request financial support after April 25.
The final deadline for project entries is July 2, 2024. This deadline is for fully funded and finished interactive/immersive documentary works. If you want to enter a performance or request presentation support, please do so before April 25.
2024 IDFA DocLab presentation support
We offer financial support for a select number of projects to present their work. Through the IDFA DocLab R&D Program, we provide funding opportunities for new media projects. Through the following two support schemes, IDFA DocLab offers direct financial support to four to six selected project teams to finalize their new works and premiere them at IDFA 2024.
1. Through our R&D program, we can offer a select few creators direct financial support for the presentation of a new work to premiere during IDFA 2024. The financial support is provided directly to the project team and is intended to aid the finalization and presentation of the project.
2. This grant is funded by the Netherlands Film Fund and is intended to support Dutch or Netherlands-based media artists and Dutch (co)productions to complete their work for the 37th edition of IDFA. The grant invites projects to utilize the festival as a global stage and testbed for their project, and therefore encourages projects with the following profiles to apply:
The Film Fund DocLab Interactive Grant offers presentation grants to selected projects by Dutch or Netherlands-based creators and Dutch (co-)productions. This funding scheme is presented in collaboration with the Netherlands Film Fund. The grant invites projects to utilize the festival as a global stage and testbed, and therefore encourages projects with the following profiles to apply:
- New Dutch works seeking an international premiere platform to present an innovative physical installation or performance format
- Advanced-stage prototypes that can benefit from being exhibited publicly
- A stand-alone version that is part of a bigger project
All supported projects will be presented publicly as part of the IDFA DocLab festival program and can also be considered for the DocLab competition sections.
We can support a limited number of projects with up to 5,000 euros each to premiere a new work at IDFA. Projects should have a clear plan for completion in time for IDFA 2024 and a realistic budget for presentation. The total amount of the financial support will depend on what is needed to realize the idea, how much funding is already in place, and the total number of selected projects. If we are unable to provide financial support but still would like to consider the project for the festival, we will get in touch to inquire if you are open to us exploring alternative forms of tailored support.
Yes. If you need more time or more budget to realize your project, we recommend entering into IDFA DocLab Forum, where projects in all production and financing stages can find their way to new partnerships, receive in-depth feedback, and explore new ways to move forward. Read more about DocLab Forum (open for entries mid-June to early August).
2024 Entry and payment
The deadline for live performances and new media projects seeking presentation support is April 25. The final deadline for all completed new media projects is July 2. Communication regarding project entries will be sent by email to the main contact indicated in the entry form. You will receive an automated e-mail including a copy of the filled-out entry form after sending in the form. In case you did not receive confirmation, please check your spam folder.
Once the payment has been received and the entry is processed, you will receive another e-mail confirming receipt of your entry.
Once you have sent in an entry form, you can no longer change it yourself. Please send an e-mail to doclab@idfa.nl, and we will make your changes in the database.
All entries will be reviewed thoroughly and carefully by our team of international program advisors. These experts from around the world join in the discussion and give their recommendations, followed by a final round of selection and production checks by the IDFA DocLab curatorial team. The selection process is overseen by IDFA’s artistic director.
Artists who entered their live performance or request for presentation support by the early deadline of April 25 will be informed that their project is selected, still in consideration, or not selected by the end of June.
Artists who entered their new media project by the final deadline of July 2 will be informed that their project is selected, still in consideration, or not selected by the end of August. All final decisions will be communicated no later than Friday, September 30, 2024. We will do this by emailing the main contact indicated in your entry form.
You will be asked to provide us the following:
- Stills (jpeg, high resolution, at least 5MB each)
- Separate electronic press kit (EPK)
- A high-res video file of the trailer (if available)
- Any of the required materials to present your project properly at the festival. This could be the link to a website, the final build of a VR project/game, or the pieces of an installation. Exact materials to be decided with the exhibition production team.
Once your project is selected, you may use the relevant IDFA laurel for publicity purposes. These files will be sent to you in digital form.
If selected, your work will be considered for the IDFA DocLab program or IDFA on Stage program. Your work will be showcased as part of the annual IDFA DocLab festival exhibition, VR Gallery and/or our live events program, and/or IDFA on Stage.
IDFA invites everyone to attend the festival and represent their project. The director/main creator of a project selected for IDFA DocLab or IDFA on Stage will receive free festival accreditation. Anyone who wants to attend the festival must fill out an accreditation form via MyIDFA. For projects selected for the IDFA DocLab Program, we provide travel and accommodation support to at least one person from the creative team, usually the director. After selection, IDFA’s Guest Services department will inform you about all guest arrangements.
2024 Entry fee
Yes we do. To enter an interactive/immersive new media project or a performance, the entry fee is €30 if you enter by the early deadline of April 25, and €50 if you enter by the late deadline of July 2. The entry fee for students is €25 for both deadlines. This fee is automatically calculated when filling in the entry form. In some cases we provide fee waivers, eliminating these costs. For more information on fee waivers, please refer to the question "How can I become eligible for a discount code?" below.
IDFA greatly appreciates your entries, and we sincerely hope that you see IDFA as a valuable launch pad for your project. Unfortunately, we have to charge a fee for each entry. This fee will cover the processing, careful viewing, and reviewing of your project.
After sending in the entry form in MyIDFA, you will be redirected to the payment page. Payments are handled by Adyen. We offer the following methods to pay the entry fee:
i. Credit cards: MasterCard, VISA, and American Express
ii. iDEAL (for entries from the Netherlands)
If you don’t have the ability to use one of the above methods of payment, please send an e-mail to doclab@idfa.nl.
Payment should take place as quickly as possible and within two weeks after the sending in the online entry form. Entries will not be processed and taken into consideration until your payment has been received. Entries cannot be taken into consideration if the payments are completed after our final entry deadline.
IDFA offers a discount for students. We also provide fee waivers in any of the following instances:
- If you are entering an unfinished project by the April 25 deadline; the project would have its world or international premiere at IDFA; and you are Dutch or Netherlands-based, you are eligible for a fee waiver. Dutch entries after April 25 are not eligible for a fee waiver.
- If the main country (or countries) of production (main producer) is on the IBF country list, you are eligible for a fee waiver.
- If your project has been presented at IDFA DocLab Forum in the past, you are eligible for a fee waiver.
- All official partners of the IDFA DocLab R&D Program will receive fee waivers as part of the existing contract.
Requests for fee waivers can be made by filling out this form.
Unfortunately, we apply a no-refund policy.
If you get an error while trying to pay, please send an e-mail to program@idfa.nl.
In order to solve the problem, we advise you to open the page in Google Chrome and make sure to pause all ad blockers that may be running on the page. If the problem persists, please send an e-mail to program@idfa.nl.
If your payment was successful, the payment page will state this. You will receive a confirmation by email after your entry form has been processed by IDFA.
If your project is being or has been made with support from the IDFA Bertha Fund, please send an e-mail to idfaberthafund@idfa.nl before filling out the entry form.
If your project was presented at a previous edition of IDFA DocLab Forum, you are eligible for a fee waiver. Please send an e-mail to forum@idfa.nl to request one.
Yes, this may be the case, as Adyen handles all IDFA payments.
In case you fill out a company which has a billing address based outside the Netherlands, you will not be charged additional VAT by IDFA, but you will have to pay your VAT duties in your own country.
- If this is within the European Union, you need to fill in your VAT details in the billing address field. For general VAT rules within the EU please go to EU Tax and Customs info. Please make sure to fill out the correct VAT information in the billing details on the entry form, as this cannot be adjusted on the payment page. If you forget to fill out your VAT number you will be charged VAT. If you made a mistake in filling out the VAT information, please send an email to program@idfa.nl before completing the payment, as this is the only way to still edit the information. IDFA cannot refund VAT after the payment has been completed.
- If your company is based outside the EU, IDFA will not charge VAT but you will need to check your tax regulations in your own country and act accordingly.
All Dutch entries and all entries done by private persons only (with no company attached) will need to pay VAT and will be charged in the IDFA invoice.
If you've already sent in your form and continued to the payment page, you can no longer edit the billing information yourself. Please send an email to program@idfa.nl before completing the payment, as this is the only way to still add this information. IDFA cannot refund VAT after the payment has been completed.
Please note that the information on this page relates to last year's entry process. Dates and details for 2025 will be announced soon.