Co-producing & co-financing
Rough Cut Presentations

Rough Cut Presentations

Everything you need to know about IDFA's Rough Cut presentations.

About the Rough Cut Presentations

This presentation format caters specifically to film projects in editing or in rough cut stage that are looking for sales, distribution, or other exhibition opportunities for their films.

During the event in Amsterdam, the Forum will host Rough Cut Presentations for six projects in a cinema, where project teams show an excerpt of twenty minutes and participate in a short, moderated Q&A. All Rough Cut Presentations are available to industry representatives or financiers with a Forum or Docs for Sale accreditation.

The Rough Cut Presentations also allow the team to feature the full rough cut on IDFA’s online platform, where it is made available to key accredited groups of acquisitions and exhibition professionals. The team can include a short introduction directly into the rough cut file to provide more context.

Key dates

  • Presentations: November 17
  • One-on-one meetings: from November 18 to November 20
  • Entries period: June 10 to August 1.
  • Selected project teams must deliver their full rough cut and twenty-minute excerpt by October 26.

What we are looking for

Application process

Selection process

Practical information

  • Rough Cut Presentations are presented live in Amsterdam. Project teams who are unable to travel need to get in touch with the IDFA team.
  • The presentation format allows you to feature your full rough cut on IDFA’s online platform, where it is made available to key groups of acquisition and exhibition professionals. It is also possible to include a short introduction to the rough cut file, to give context on e.g. what stage you are in and what work still will be done on the film.
  • Each project will have one-on-one meetings with professionals interested in the project. These are arranged by the Forum staff based on preferences of the project team and industry representatives and financiers, as well as input from the Forum staff.
  • For project teams and industry representatives/financiers attending the event in person, pre-arranged meetings take place November 13 to 15.
Attending Forum as an Observer
Submission checklist