Sales & distribution
About Docs for Sale

About Docs for Sale

Docs for Sale facilitates the sales and distribution of high-end documentary films, providing bespoke services including matchmaking, consultancies, sales and distribution workshops, and strategic know-how for IDFA-selected and Docs for Sale-selected films. 

Over the years, it has grown into one of the world’s premier markets and distribution incubators for documentary cinema, welcoming artistic feature-length and short documentary films from all over the world that target cinema, television, and online audiences.

At Docs for Sale, recently completed films or series looking for sales, distribution, and exhibition partners encounter distributors, TV buyers, festival programmers, and other professionals seeking creative documentaries. Located in the heart of the markets during IDFA, Docs for Sale is an important business and knowledge-sharing space for all professionals in the sales and exhibition phase of the documentary infrastructure. 

Docs for Sale in Amsterdam

As a physical hub located in Felix Meritis the IDFA markets venue during the festival, Docs for Sale connects filmmaking teams, buyers and sales agents via consultancies, informal networking sessions, and videotheque-style screening booths.

The event welcomes:

  • Filmmakers looking to maximize their launch with sales and distribution opportunities
  • Sales agents looking to showcase their roster and scout new films
  • Buyers, distributors, and festival programmers looking for the best creative documentaries for their festival program or TV, cinema, or platform slot

As of 2023, prior to the event, teams with selected films in the catalogue attend hybrid workshops to maximize their distribution strategy and use of Docs for Sale’s activities.

Year Around Services

The digital arm of the sales & distribution market offers Acquisition passholders remote, year-round access to the catalogue while providing the opportunity to connect with the rights holders directly.

  • For professionals who acquire or exhibit documentaries, such as television/platform buyers, distributors, sales agents, and festival programmers
  • A new catalogue of approximately 400 films is published every year, two weeks before Docs for Sale in Amsterdam
  • Subscriptions are valid for one year; subscriptions can be acquired all-year round
  • Subscribers can attend the physical market during the festival for free
  • Film teams with a title in the Catalogue continue to download viewing reports throughout the year